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10:00 am
QB-1124: Private Group Sew - Quilting Buddies - Friday
10:00 am
LS112: Lickety-Split
11:00 am
PIU113: Pack-it-up bag
10:00 am
10:30 am
Charity Sew Day
11:00 am
BCCW: Blue Corn Chips Workshop
10:00 am
girlcampers01: Girl Campers Private Event
3:00 pm
sewnight1124: Sew What Sew Nights Private
11:00 am
longarm1124: Longarm Certification
11:00 am
FPC3: Foundation Paper Piecing Club
10:30 am
opensew1113: Open Sew - Morning Session
10:00 am
110724: Finish Your Collage
10:00 am
QB33: Private Group Sew - Quilting Buddies - Thursday
10:00 am
PrivateLL-11: Private Group Sew - Laughing Ladies
10:00 am
Retreat28: Private Retreat - Quilt Buddies - 2 day
11:00 am
Retreat28: Private Retreat - Quilt Buddies - 2 day
10:30 am
PrivateSM-23: Stitch Mob Private Group Sew
10:30 am
opensew1120: Open Sew - Morning Session
10:00 am
SQ1124: Private Group Sew - SQUARE IN A SQUARE
10:30 am
Square In A Square Private Sew Group
10:00 am
JQ35: Private Group Sew - Just Quilting

Contact Us

    • Fabric Play Quilting
      16653 E Smoky Hill Rd
      Aurora CO 80015
(720) 524-3492

About Fabric Play Quilting

We offer a variety of fabrics and quilting items as well as an edge-to-edge quilting service and long-arm rental. We also offer a variety of classes for all your sewing needs.